Carmen Brown
Carmen Brown's position with the law office of Burdine and Brown is client relations manager and marketing director. You might ask why a law office of one attorney does and three staff members need a Marketing Director? Simply put, there is a tremendous amount of competition in the Atlanta Metro Market from lawyers and firms who do not do as good a job as this firm, yet they have an Internet presence that is somehow deceiving. Carmen provides quality information about Burdine and Brown firm to the inquiring public. Recently she and her husband, Tom Brown have attended the Rainmaker Institute learning seminar in New Orleans in November 2019. This organization is the leading legal marketing company in the United States. Many ideas, programs, and methods were discussed for our legal firm's implementation. This seminar was designed to help us reach the public in need of legal representation in their work injuries claims, automobile accident cases, and those seeking Social Security Disability benefits.
Carmen's background is in client relations while working with JP Morgan Chase Bank and Comcast, two major corporations. She has learned many strategies for client management in project management while attending the University of Phoenix where she obtained her Bachelor's Degree in Business Management.
Carmen worked with Burdine and Brown since 2012. She is a native of Romania and came to the USA as a legal immigrant when she was 23 years old.