Access to Good Medical Care
There are many of time when a client comes to me in an automobile accident case and they are treated by a doctor who has not ordered any diagnosis testing. How on earth can one establish a diagnosis when the doctor will not take the time to order a CT scan, an MRI, EMG, or a nerve block or any other diagnostic testing? It just cannot be done.
One of the rules that we have in our office is that we must make determination as to what is the diagnosis of our client's condition. Simply put, one cannot properly treat without proper diagnostic testing. We do our best to analyze medical records and the current medical treatment in light of that diagnosis. We also spend much time in determining the right doctors that our clients can use. We try to persuasively convince our clients' insurance company to allow for those particular doctors to treat, even if it costs additional money and time. These are important behind the scenes decisions that we make with your consent and it can make a big difference in your case results.