Can You Get the Same Quality of Care from A Chiropractor versus An Orthopedic Surgeon or Neurologist?
No matter how I answer this question, I will create some enemies!
There are a few major differences that could affect the outcome of your automobile accident case.
Chiropractors have become less believable by the insurance companies to whom you are presenting your case for settlement. They are a dime a dozen. Their reports, mostly hand written, tell us little about the person's medical recovery/progress. Treatment is cookie-cutter, mostly the same no matter what the injury is. They provide a number of different modalities (methods of treatment) that inflates the bill for their services way out of proportion. But they are “hands-on” and develop a rapport with their patients.
On the other hand, orthopedic doctors order X-rays, are quick to order Medo-Depo dose packs for pain, let their PA's treat, take little interest in the patient, barely listen to the physical complaints of their patients, rarely touch you, and generally draw a quick conclusion that you have a STRAIN (cervical or lumbar region). And their office staffs generally are not the most professional people to deal with. So where does this leave you? Come talk to us and we will listen and direct you gently to excellent medical providers that are the best of both worlds and who want to help you recover from your injuries.