Fired at Work
I recently represented a very nice lady in her 50's. She was a claims adjuster for an insurance company. She fell through the roof of a residential home while inspecting it for roof damage.
Fortunately, she needed no surgery although her left ankle was quite painful. The company doctor put her on permanent restrictions about six months after her on the job injury. I sent her to a more specialized doctor who had much more experience with the type of injury she had. He gave my client even more restricted duty.
My client returned to work at the same company but with a desk job. They gave her no training for this new position. Three weeks later, the company fired her because she could not perform “according to standards”.
So she lost her workers' compensation weekly benefits since she returned to work and three weeks later lost her job for the “made-up” reasons of her employer.
After much delay and multiple depositions, the insurer of the Insurance Company settled this claim for $75,000, essentially a year's salary.
This kind lady is now back at work in a much more worker friendly environment, performing light duty and very happy.