How Many Lawyers Are in Your State
In New York there are——————————— 182,296
In California there are——————————— 170,117
In Texas there are————————————– 91,244
In Florida there are———————————— 78,448
In New Jersey there are—————————— 41,152
In Maryland there are ——————————— 40,800
In Alaska there are ———————————— 2,324
In N. Dakota there are ——————————— 1,687
And in Georgia, all of us are painfully aware of the presence of lawyers on TV commercials, from personal injury lawyer howling that their firm is the best, to the talcum powder, mesothelioma and Round Up weed killer lawyers who want your business but don't even practice law in this state. There are 32,802 lawyers practicing in the state of Georgia. You should NOT hire the first lawyer you talk to. There is a lot of completion in Georgia. Especially do not sign a contract electronically with a lawyer if you have not met the attorney. If you do so, you will most likely never meet the lawyer!