Open House Event-Dr. Eric Bendix
On September 19, 2019, my wife, Carmen, and I traveled to an Open House event for Georgia Spine & Orthopedics. This is the office of four specialized physicians:
Dr. Erik Bendix, Board Certified Orthopedic spine surgeon
Dr. Alan Maloon, Neurologist
Dr. Vinson Smith, Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon
Dr. Daryl L. Figa, Board Certified in PT and Rehabilitation and Physiatrist
There are many doctors in the Metro Atlanta area to choose from. These four doctors are an excellent choice that cover a broad array of accident/injury claims. They have medical case coordinators, physical therapists, patient care coordinators and more.
We use many different doctors to help our deserving clients in job injuries and in automobile accidents. Georgia Spine & Orthopedics is another group of caring doctors to help you.
I particularly like their honesty, wisdom, ability to diagnose and treat and to describe the effects of the injuries.
For me, it is very important that the medical treatment they have performed to be described in such a way that even the insurance folks can understand!
And that says a lot!