State Bar Board of Governors Vote to Not Require Purchase of Legal Malpractice Insurance
Well, the courageous members of the State Bar Board of Governors voted to NOT require lawyers to purchase legal malpractice insurance NOR to be required to disclose whether or not they have purchases legal malpractice insurance. This vote took place in late October 2021, a few weeks ago. The issue was NOT put up for a vote among all lawyers practicing in the State of Georgia.
I believe the Board of Governors made a wrong decision. They wanted to protect the lawyers. They chose protecting the lawyers over protecting the consumers who are required to use lawyers in so many disputes in this state.
There was no official reason given for this vote. It is sad. In my law practice in Suwanee, Georgia, I am proud to tell my clients I represent people in automobile accident cases, job/work injury cases and those who seek Social Security Disability benefits. I also inform my clients I have purchased legal malpractice insurance to cover me for any mistakes I might make in representing them. I also inform my clients I have never been sued by anyone in over 40 years of law practice.
If owners of automobiles are required to purchase car insurance at a minimum of $25,000 of liability, and if employers who employ three or more workers are required to purchase workers’ compensation insurance, then why can’t lawyers be required to purchase legal malpractice insurance? Just curious!