Statute of Limitations
There are a number of Statute of Limitations in the Workers' Compensation field. Essentially this means a deadline that if one lets it pass, that aspect of the case will be closed.
For instance:
You must report your injury within thirty (30) days after it occurs, not three (3) days as some believe
You have one year to file a claim for Workers' Compensation benefits of any nature.
If your weekly Temporary Total Disability benefits cease, you have two (2) years to request a hearing to have them reinstated.
If you have been given a Permanent Partial Disability rating, you have four (4) years to ask for an increase of that rating.
You have one year to submit a request for mileage reimbursement for travelling to various medical providers for treatment of your injuries.
There are other statutes or deadlines you must meet to keep your workers' compensation case alive.
If you need help do not hesitate to call Burdine and Brown.