Why Does Resurgens Orthopedics State on Their Referral Form “Schedule MRI at The Request of The Provider?”
Why does Resurgens Orthopedics state on their referral form “Schedule MRI, schedule FCE, schedule specialized orthopedic examination AT THE REQUEST OF THE PROVIDER?”
How frustrating. This generic referral then allows the insurance company to re-assert control of your medical treatment in your workers' compensation claim.
This is done across the board by all Resurgens doctors. It is done for that very purpose. The key concept in all job injury claims is “who controls your medical treatment?”
Resurgens gets so much business from the insurance companies in Georgia that they want to “give back” to those companies who refer to them.
Georgia is one of 5 states that has, as part of the state law, a panel of physicians requirement. This means that you must get your medical treatment from those doctors or entities who are listed on this panel. I have seen the day (1970's) when the panel consisted of 3 doctors. In the 90's the panel was expanded to 4 doctors. In themed 2010-the panel was expanded to 6 doctors or clinics. I hope one day I could choose among 50 doctors. Then maybe one or two would be decent. See my website at www.burdineandbrown.com under workers' compensation FAQ's for more details on this subject.