Wisdom Is Not Our Default Position
As we think through some of our daily issues in life, wisdom and the application of it, does not always follow us as we make our important decisions.
I define wisdom as the application of truth to life: to do the right thing in the right moment with the right power and with guidance from the Holy Spirit of God.
Intellectual preparation is how you do your daily work. Spiritual preparation is to be in tune with the Holy Spirit.
I enjoy listening to my Pastor, Andy Stanley, Senior Pastor of North Point Community Church. At the end of each sermon, Andy prays for the congregation and seems to always say: “Lord, I pray for all to receive wisdom to hear the message and to have the courage to apply it.”
To hear and apply wisdom… don't we all wish for this? Of course, if we “pay the price” of being teachable, open and humble, wisdom will come our way.
My long-time mentor, Dr. Ken Boa, Theologian, has a more humorous way to say the same thing about wisdom:
“May we have wisdom to know that the tomato is classified as a fruit but may we also know that it is not to be used as part of a fruit salad.”
I try to apply wisdom in my daily life and in my legal life. It is hard to do so consistently and even harder to do so accurately.
I want to always give coherent, consistent and clear legal advice. But to do so it is important to continually study, to listen to right teachers and to seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Many of my colleagues have burned out, become jaundiced, prejudiced and quite negative. They are overstressed, over worked and over caffeinated. I try to live consistently, not to pre-judge, think positively and to be grateful for what has been given to me. Everything is grace and mercy.